Dear Friends and Colleagues,
On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committees, we kindly invite you to join us at the 8th International Dietary Fibre Conference 2022 (DF22). The meeting is hosted by the Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry of the KU Leuven and co-organised by the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC). The conference will take place on October 16 to 18, 2022, in the beautiful city of Leuven (Belgium).
DF22 is entitled “Towards Unlocking the Full Potential of Fibre for Food, Function and Global Health” and aims at providing a science platform to present the latest research on dietary fibre. We will discuss topics such as (i) food DF fermentation and the gut microbiome, (II) mixed DF - plant protein systems and (iii) sidestream valorisation and biorefining. This meeting will wrap up with the current issues, trends and perspectives.
The conference addresses scientists and representatives of the industry and academia from all over the world, bringing together experts of different areas of dietary fibre research, including food (bio)chemistry, (bio)physics, technology, processing, fermentation, quality and human and animal health. By doing so, the DF22 meeting brings together multidisciplinary perspectives to address the present challenges for science-based understanding and innovation towards unlocking the full potential of fibre for food, function and global health.
Hope to see you in Leuven!

Prof. Christophe Courtin
Chair of the Scientific Committee, Belgium

Veronika Haslinger
Chair of the Organising Committee, Austria